
Botox Yes or No?

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  • #1899
    Nadya StamatovaCavaMind

    Please share your opinion- yes or not for Botox Is it painful and how often its needed?
    Any advise welcome

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    Nina NenovaNikita

    Botox generally wears within three months. Botox freshens the face and temporarily reduces the appearance of lines.

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    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Angel SmithCavaWoman.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Angel SmithCavaWoman.
    Janet FerreiraMissB

    I would vote for yes. It’s not an invasive procedure with minimal pain and risk. Depending on the facial area you are looking to address, you generally need 25-30 units. In Canada, a unit costs an average of about $12/unit, but there are always sales and promotions. It lasts about 3 months, before you have to repeat, but I think over time, your muscles adjust and you need it less frequently. Definitely worth trying before deciding on more dangerous or invasive alternatives, such as plastic surgery.

    First prevention though, should always be sun protection and covering your face 🙂 You may never need botox if you start protecting yourself from the sun’s harmful rays early.

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    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Angel SmithCavaWoman.
    Nadya StamatovaCavaMind

    I am very cautious about doing any innervation on my face, but agree- Nature needs some help!

    Is it painful, I can’t imagine a needle stuck in my forehead…any bruises or side effects like headache etc?

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    Rosh A.A.

    I would vote yes and agree with MissB but on the othet hand terriefied of needles.

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    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Angel SmithCavaWoman.
    Franziska EberleFranzi

    Yes when needed!

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    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Angel SmithCavaWoman.
    Sarah BSarah

    Any intervention on my Face scares me, what if the effect is unpleasant?

    Its not something you can hide…not for me!

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