
To broke up with a partner because of smoking….

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  • #1947
    Maya NachevaItaly78

    Is it a good reason to broke up with a partner after 3 years hence he refuses to give up on smoking?

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    Simona DimitrovaSimonaD

    Yes and No…Although if your partner loves you enough he should make the effort. This will be beneficial for him and for you! No one likes the smell of ash and cigarettes!
    Be kind and supportive and help him! Arguments or ultimatums never go to something positive!
    Good luck

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    Maya NachevaItaly78

    Hi, thanks for the response. The issue is if he refuses to give up with smoking and the smell of cigarettes irritates the eyes and causes discomfort in general….what should be the solution?

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    Ivan KotorovIVANK

    I think he should understand and smoke outside for a start. But in the end you have to find out what is in it for him. He needs to be convinced he benefits from quitting not because you want him to quit. If smoking is a good way to relax, sacrificing a couple of years of life may be a small price to pay. Are you sure this is not your problem more than it is his?

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    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Angel SmithCavaWoman.
    george kinchevgeorgek

    smell of it is not pleasant but there are always solutions like brushing teeth and mouth or some gums or tic tac. Love is bigger than everything the biggest power

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    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Angel SmithCavaWoman.
    Maya NachevaItaly78

    Can I ask you directly after 3 years relationship if smoking becomes problem for mutual life/coexistance would you break down with your partner?

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    John SmithJS

    Me personally I wouldn’t but I will try to support and help him to give up on smoking.

    Its an addiction and its a slow process.

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    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by John SmithJS.
    John SmithJS

    What has happened with your partner? What have you decided?

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    Sylvia SSylvia

    Hi Italy,


    is there any progress on the topic?

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