
Sea Sediment (Ocean Jasper)

Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Ocean Jasper

The rhythmic cadence of the sea has always called humanity to its shores, to breathe its essence, feel its gentle power, and to lay one’s burdens aside. Ocean Jasper brings that same spirit of peace and letting go, of breathing deeply and consciously, attuning to Nature and being physically and spiritually present in one’s surroundings.

Ocean Jasper draws its soothing power from the element of Water. It is a stone of strength and renewal with a slow, steady frequency and a deep circular energy that embodies the interconnectedness of all things. Its spherical patterns are a spiritual reminder of how thoughts, words and actions interact in our world and flow in a circular direction. It honors the principle that what one sends out will indeed return. Ocean Jasper is a marvelous stone for cultivating patience and coping with change, and encourages giving service to others.

Also known as The Atlantis Stone, Ocean Jasper is believed to be linked to the ancient city and to hold mystic knowledge within its structure. It is highly beneficial for reclaiming spiritual wisdom and gaining insight into one’s past lives. It provides an ideal focus for grounding and centering in meditation or healing, and facilitates continuity in deep circular breathing.

Orbicular Ocean Jasper is rare and highly collectible, found only along the Northwest coast of Madagascar at the edge of the ocean. As the deposits are part of the shoreline they can only be seen and mined at low tide. With no roads in this remote area, material must be removed and transported by boat.

Ocean Jasper is also called Sea Jasper, with a distinction. Ocean Jasper is the trademarked name for material from the original mine near Marovato on the Ambolobozo Peninsula of Madagascar, owned by Paul Obenich. Sea Jasper is similar to Ocean Jasper, but is collected from the Madagascar Minerals mines found in the same area a short distance away. Both are a spherulitic variety of Chalcedony, micro-crystallized Quartz colored by oxides, iron and other impurities, with Quartz and Feldspar forming the spherical (orbicular) structures. Background colors may be green, brown, cream or white, red, pink or yellow, with orb-like inclusions in various colors and combinations. Botryoidal formations as well as white and deep green druzy are also common. Since the composition and metaphysical properties are the same, both will be referred to as Ocean Jasper for the purposes of this page.

Ocean Jasper Uses and Purposes

Like all Jaspers, Ocean Jasper alleviates stress and induces tranquility. Its cleansing effect eliminates negative energy and stabilizes the aura. It makes an ideal worry or rubbing stone for soothing the nerves and increasing one’s focus, and is a wonderful stone for banishing nightmares or harmful thoughts.

A polished sphere of Ocean Jasper is particularly conducive for meditation, and is greatly enhanced by soft silver candlelight or moonlight.

Use Ocean Jasper as a talisman of patience, for oneself as well as for others. It enkindles a gentle and gradual release of pent-up anger and clears emotional blockages.

Orbicular Jaspers are “taking care of business stones” and encourage one to view each circular mark as a sign of a project or detail that needs to be addressed. They aid in the acceptance of responsibility and are particularly supportive of pursuits based on service to others.

Ocean Jasper is a marvelous stone for healers and counselors to nurture themselves as they help others, and to be more empathetic to others’ emotional and mental needs while still remaining objective in their work.


Ocean Jasper Physical Healing Energy

Ocean Jasper is considered highly restorative for tissue deterioration of the internal organs, and useful in draining the lymph system of toxins that cause body odor and flatulence. It is thought to help stabilize nutritional absorption of vitamins and minerals, especially in balancing sodium and iodine levels and relieving water retention. It is an excellent aid for maximizing benefits from hydrotherapy and salt baths.

Jasper water is particularly useful as a gem elixir because it does not over stimulate the body. It is soothing for the digestive system, calms nausea and vomiting, and strengthens the stomach. It may be made by the indirect method, or by letting the stone soak in demineralized water overnight.

Ocean Jasper can be used to ease problems with the thyroid, seasickness and other inner-ear disturbances, and may be useful in treatments for eczema and skin disorders.

Ocean Jasper Emotional Healing Energy

Like tides that ebb and flow along a shore, Ocean Jasper brings to the surface long-hidden and unresolved emotional issues and uses its gentle nurturing energies to bring healing. It encourages being honest with oneself when confronting problems and accepting responsibility for one’s actions. Over time it inspires patience, self-love and empathy for others, and creates a more hopeful attitude toward the future.



Ocean Jasper Spiritual Energy

Ocean Jasper is connected to the lost city of Atlantis and holds its mystic knowledge within its form. This stone’s energies are particularly conducive to meditation and centering, and allow access to ancient wisdom and one’s own past-life lessons. Ocean Jasper is an ideal stone for reframing and transmuting any past misuse of spiritual power, and teaches the wise use of power and will.

Orbicular Jaspers, such as Ocean Jasper, help one align with the Divine frequency of the universe and to understand the Law of Attraction and Reciprocity – that what one sends out comes back. It is a spiritual reminder of how our thoughts, words, and actions affect the world and those around us, and that we can manifest a happy, joyful life by intentionally projecting good into the reality around us.


Meditation with Ocean Jasper

The orbicular patterns within Ocean Jasper facilitate deep circular breathing and provide a tool for focus during meditation. They assist one in finding the center of the self and aligning with “All That Is.” Connected to Atlantis, this stone allows one to travel back and retrieve ancient wisdom, and expands insight into one’s past lives in order to retrieve one’s own spiritual lessons.

