How to motivate yourself for a home workout?
Ever wondered why your home practice never remains with the same motivation as it was when you started? Because getting started is the most difficult part. The idea of working out occupies our mind so much that it begins to exaggerate the effort. Just 20-45 mins in a day, 3-4 times a week is not that hard as our psychological blocks make it appear to be. To help you, I observed people with busy schedules and still motivated to follow a home workout regime and I found some of the best tips that will change your boring morning workout routine to an engaging and fulfilling activity.
Get dressed for workout
Getting dressed for your workout will give you an instant signal to be active. I sometimes find it harder to put on my workout clothes out of laziness. But when I started doing it without giving a second thought, it worked. Choose a well-fitted outfit for your workout or the one you love to wear.
See it another way
We act what we think. it is true. You need to get out of that clumsy fellow feeling and start perceiving yourself as highly energetic person who can turn the world around. This can sound like a bit difficult, however not impossible either. I never was able to start or to maintain my home workout schedule ever.
I used to weigh over 120 pounds and always felt like a sluggish housewife who thinks shedding weight is like someone has asked her to climb Mount Everest in a day. So, made peace with the fact and remained that sluggish clumsy woman till I changed my perspective towards my fitness and essentially towards my personality.
Then there was no looking back, and I have been following my home workout routine and feeling better than ever. I have realized, working your body out is not just a physical activity, its more than that. It gives you a sense of respect towards your being and that will be depicted in all the other activities you do in your daily routine.
Follow a mixed workout
Doing the same sets of workouts can create boredom. Mixing different workouts will not only keep you motivated but also gives you extra benefits. Try YouTube free workout channels that will give you a range of workout options by qualified instructors.
Find a Company
Having a company in workout is always a great idea and keeps you motivated. Since when you plan your workout routine with someone in your family or friends, it gives both of you a reason to show up and make it a fun time together.
For example, I started my yoga practice with my husband. Like any other activity that we plan to do together, it became one of our favorites. We support each other and motivate each other when one of us feel lazy or bored. We even try to integrate postures that require other’s support. This keeps the activity interesting and we are now look forward to doing it and spend a quality time together.
You can also think about joining a social networking community and contact fitness coaches and nutritionists. Some other people might become your friends who are trying to reach their fitness goals and share their experiences with you that can help you maintaining a healthy lifestyle and workout routines. In many cases, people tend to reduce more weight through meeting other people online than people who do workout alone.
Schedule your workout
Commitment is very important, especially for your workouts. To get the best out of your workout regimen, the most important element is your commitment. Plan a schedule for your workout session and stick to it, religiously. If you are a morning person, an early morning workout will keep you fresh the whole day. For night owls, try setting up a late-night workout schedule when everyone else is asleep. Whatever time you choose, ensure commitment and try to give at least 30 mins to your body each day.
It’s tempting to stay in bed. But we must try to find the inner strength and energy that is stored within our bodies, just need to work it out.
In short
To motivate yourself for home workout schedule, it is important to make it an activity which you enjoy and doesn’t feel like a burden. All the tips discussed in this blog are practically helpful and tried. Try attempting as many as you can and make them your habit. So, get in charge of your body and don’t let your laziness spoil your inner potential. A good workout session from the comfort of your home will not only boost your energy, it will instill more happiness and contentment to your life.
By Syeda Sana