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Known as the “hope” stone, the Amazonite crystal is an excellent manifestation tool, especially when you incorporate its energy into daily meditation practice. To set up the best backdrop for a healing transformation, retreat into a sacred space that has been cleansed and purified with a sage stick. Then, instill your Amazonite crystal stone with a power affirmation and take on the world with confidence with a spirited “can-do” attitude. “I can achieve anything I set my mind to do.” Say this mantra out loud and let the Amazonite crystal stone meaning work to magnify your intentions and affirmations.
Quartz is known as the “master healer” and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.
“The Calming Stone“
Howlite has a natural color of white with grey markings in the shape of a spider web. However, it is known to be found in white, blue and green due to the process of applying dye. Be sure not to mistaken Howlite for Turquoise, as they have a similar appearance. Howlite can be identified by its appearance of natural “GREY” lines. It is the stone of calmness, comfort, knowledge, memory and progress. It helps relieve an overactive mind. Some say that holding a piece of Howlite has the same effect as spending an hour at a spa. It has the ability to heal mentally, physically and emotionally.
Added Note: This stone can help the special need children and all the crystal/rainbow children. Have them wear it as jewelry, place under/inside their pillow or have them wear it in their pocket.