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Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye is a most ancient talisman, mysterious and powerful, revered and feared – an “all-seeing all-knowing eye,” thought to grant a wearer the ability to observe everything, even through closed doors. It was chosen by the Egyptians for the eyes in their deity statues to express divine vision, and was believed to provide the protection of the sun and earth combined, of Ra, the sun god and Geb, god of the growing land. Linked to the magical tiger, the king of beasts in Eastern mythology, Tiger’s Eye portrayed courage, integrity and right use of power. Roman soldiers carried it to deflect weapons and to be brave in battle. It has been highly regarded throughout history as a stone of prosperity and good fortune, protecting one’s resources and reflecting back malice or threats from others.
This marvelous stone of the Golden Ray is still as captivating as it was in the past, with chatoyant layers that dance like shafts of light through a dense forest. It is warm and radiant, synthesizing the frequencies of Sun and Earth, bringing stability and awareness while integrating the spiritual with the physical realms. It teaches balance between extremes, moving one out of the world of duality – right and wrong, good and bad, dark and light – and provides an understanding of the underlying unity behind apparent opposites. It brings a more practical and compassionate reasoning to one’s choices, and helps one to reflect Spirit through each action taken in the world.
One of the most effective of the eye formation stones, Tiger’s Eye is ever vigilant, bringing sharpness to one’s inner vision and better understanding of the cause and effect of each situation. It encourages one to use their powers wisely, and allows scattered information to be brought together to a cohesive whole. Tiger’s Eye supports necessary change in all aspects of one’s life, strengthening the will and clarity of intention in order to manifest at the highest level. It inspires creativity and utilizing one’s talents and abilities, and is superb for stimulating wealth and the good judgement needed to maintain it.
Tiger’s Eye, or Tiger Eye, is a variety of macrocrystalline Quartz known for its remarkable chatoyancy and rich layers of gold and brown color. It is thought to be a pseudomorph of Quartz, formed as layers of Crocidolite, a fibrous blue asbestos, were replaced over time by Chalcedony Quartz while still retaining the original shape of the asbestos fibers. A later theory proposes a simultaneous growth of the minerals through a crack-seal vein-filling process. In either case, iron from the decomposed Crocidolite oxidized to its brown color, and reflection of the light on the random fibers produces the gleaming chatoyancy.
This page is dedicated to the golden brown variety of Tiger’s Eye Quartz and its properties. There are other “eye” varieties of this mineral that share the same general properties, with some additional ones.
Tiger’s Eye Uses and Purposes
Keep Tiger’s Eye as a stone of luck and good fortune to attract a steady flow of money to the home. It is ideal for entrepreneurs and those setting out in business for the first time; also for those building up skills and a knowledge base for major career changes in the future.
Tiger’s Eye warns against complacency and emboldens one to “step out of the box” in order to grow and challenge one’s artistic and creative talents, physical abilities and trying something new. Use as a support stone for determination and to overcome fear during exams, competitions, public performances, selling one’s creations in the market place, or presenting ideas in important meetings.
Wear or carry Tiger’s Eye for increasing insight and perception in unfamiliar places or circumstances, and for protection from the negative intentions of others. Tiger’s Eye sharpens the senses, helping one pay attention to details and prepare for positive action. It reflects an overview of situations and assists when things are happening too fast. It is one of the best aids for resolving a crisis, and provides perfect support when one is afraid of making a wrong decision. Use for quick thinking, sizing up someone’s character, and for realizing the consequences of one’s own actions.
Draw on Tiger’s Eye to boost will power, emotional stability and energy levels when working through lifestyle changes and health improvement routines. It reduces cravings for the wrong kind of foods and helps decrease the need for binges, excessive cigarettes, prescription drugs or alcohol. It also reduces anxiety caused by feelings of isolation or inadequacy, and helps overcome discouragement to persevere through the long haul.
Tiger’s Eye is a stone of practicality and balance, remarkable for soothing tensions in families and relationships where differences of opinion or expression are causing discord. It promotes harmony between people with diverse viewpoints, religious beliefs or approaches to life to see both sides of an issue and find common ground. It is a marvelous talisman for professional mediators, as well as anyone going through difficult negotiations.
Tiger’s Eye Physical Healing Energy
Tiger’s Eye is a blood fortifier, increasing vitality and strength, and restoring balance to the body on all levels. It is thought to boost the endocrine system, bringing one’s hormones and biochemistry back to level, and placed on the reproductive organs, may stimulate fertility and resolve issues arising from past experiences. Tiger’s Eye placed on either side of the head energetically rebalances the brain’s hemispheres, and as this stone holds energy of the sun, may relieve seasonal affective disorder and depression. It is effective for alleviating nightmares, and is reputed to relieve asthma attacks and angina, and help lower blood pressure.
Tiger’s Eye is traditionally used to heal disorders of the eyes and throat, and to improve night vision. It eases issues of the stomach and gall bladder, and dissolves constrictions. It may also be used to strengthen alignment of the spine and stimulate the repair of broken bones.
Tiger’s Eye Emotional Healing Energy
Tiger’s Eye is a remarkable ally for the mind, balancing emotional extremes and allowing scattered thoughts, feelings and information to come together in a way that makes sense. It brings focus and stability, enabling one to make decisions from a place of reason rather than emotion. Tiger’s Eye is ideal for those who are spaced out and uncommitted to find purpose; for those who find it difficult to remain optimistic, it stimulates hope and confidence for the future.
Tiger’s Eye is highly beneficial for resolving dilemmas and internal battles, especially those caused by jealousy, willfulness and pride. It teaches integrity and right use of power, bringing an awareness of one’s needs, as opposed to mere “wants,” as well as understanding the needs of others. It is excellent for healing issues of self-criticism and worth, and unblocks creativity so one may recognize one’s talents and abilities, as well as one’s faults that need to be overcome. It is highly supportive for an addictive personality, increasing personal will to affect positive change, and anchors that change into the physical body.
Tiger’s Eye Spiritual Energy
Tiger’s Eye resonates with the frequencies of the Earth and provides a warm, stable energy for prayers and meditation, and stimulating contact with the vibrational realm of Christ consciousness. It engenders peacefulness and beauty, and connects with the spiritual power of the sun as nourishment for the soul. Tiger’s Eye enables the ability to remember dreams and to use dreamtime for spiritual advancement, sparking imagination, intuition, and opening up psychic talents in earthy people through Third Eye activity. It is remarkable for balancing yin and yang energies, stimulating the rise of the kundalini energy, and bringing a joyful enthusiasm for flowing with “the river of humanity” toward the “One.”
Meditation with Tiger’s Eye
Meditating with shimmering Tiger’s Eye initiates a wonderful, high-vibrational state that is well-grounded, peaceful, and highly conducive for encounters with others through remote viewing, out-of-body travel or mind travel. It allows one to move into a state of bliss, experiencing a single point of awareness within an atmosphere of warm compassion and unconditional love. Upon return, it inspires one to take actions led by that consciousness to bring its energy more fully into the physical world.
Red Tiger’s Eye assists any form of moving meditation, from yoga and tai chi to walking meditation, as a stabilizer to maintain mindfulness and single-pointed focus. [Lembo, 226] Falcon’s Eye or Hawk’s Eye is highly conducive for meditating in sunlight outdoors to reach a tranquil state of mind, and for guidance into spiritual realms for visions and insights of a personal, or even global nature.
Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye is a most ancient talisman, mysterious and powerful, revered and feared – an “all-seeing all-knowing eye,” thought to grant a wearer the ability to observe everything, even through closed doors. It was chosen by the Egyptians for the eyes in their deity statues to express divine vision, and was believed to provide the protection of the sun and earth combined, of Ra, the sun god and Geb, god of the growing land. Linked to the magical tiger, the king of beasts in Eastern mythology, Tiger’s Eye portrayed courage, integrity and right use of power. Roman soldiers carried it to deflect weapons and to be brave in battle. It has been highly regarded throughout history as a stone of prosperity and good fortune, protecting one’s resources and reflecting back malice or threats from others.
This marvelous stone of the Golden Ray is still as captivating as it was in the past, with chatoyant layers that dance like shafts of light through a dense forest. It is warm and radiant, synthesizing the frequencies of Sun and Earth, bringing stability and awareness while integrating the spiritual with the physical realms. It teaches balance between extremes, moving one out of the world of duality – right and wrong, good and bad, dark and light – and provides an understanding of the underlying unity behind apparent opposites. It brings a more practical and compassionate reasoning to one’s choices, and helps one to reflect Spirit through each action taken in the world.
One of the most effective of the eye formation stones, Tiger’s Eye is ever vigilant, bringing sharpness to one’s inner vision and better understanding of the cause and effect of each situation. It encourages one to use their powers wisely, and allows scattered information to be brought together to a cohesive whole. Tiger’s Eye supports necessary change in all aspects of one’s life, strengthening the will and clarity of intention in order to manifest at the highest level. It inspires creativity and utilizing one’s talents and abilities, and is superb for stimulating wealth and the good judgement needed to maintain it.
Tiger’s Eye, or Tiger Eye, is a variety of macrocrystalline Quartz known for its remarkable chatoyancy and rich layers of gold and brown color. It is thought to be a pseudomorph of Quartz, formed as layers of Crocidolite, a fibrous blue asbestos, were replaced over time by Chalcedony Quartz while still retaining the original shape of the asbestos fibers. A later theory proposes a simultaneous growth of the minerals through a crack-seal vein-filling process. In either case, iron from the decomposed Crocidolite oxidized to its brown color, and reflection of the light on the random fibers produces the gleaming chatoyancy.
This page is dedicated to the golden brown variety of Tiger’s Eye Quartz and its properties. There are other “eye” varieties of this mineral that share the same general properties, with some additional ones.
Tiger’s Eye Uses and Purposes
Keep Tiger’s Eye as a stone of luck and good fortune to attract a steady flow of money to the home. It is ideal for entrepreneurs and those setting out in business for the first time; also for those building up skills and a knowledge base for major career changes in the future.
Tiger’s Eye warns against complacency and emboldens one to “step out of the box” in order to grow and challenge one’s artistic and creative talents, physical abilities and trying something new. Use as a support stone for determination and to overcome fear during exams, competitions, public performances, selling one’s creations in the market place, or presenting ideas in important meetings.
Wear or carry Tiger’s Eye for increasing insight and perception in unfamiliar places or circumstances, and for protection from the negative intentions of others. Tiger’s Eye sharpens the senses, helping one pay attention to details and prepare for positive action. It reflects an overview of situations and assists when things are happening too fast. It is one of the best aids for resolving a crisis, and provides perfect support when one is afraid of making a wrong decision. Use for quick thinking, sizing up someone’s character, and for realizing the consequences of one’s own actions.
Draw on Tiger’s Eye to boost will power, emotional stability and energy levels when working through lifestyle changes and health improvement routines. It reduces cravings for the wrong kind of foods and helps decrease the need for binges, excessive cigarettes, prescription drugs or alcohol. It also reduces anxiety caused by feelings of isolation or inadequacy, and helps overcome discouragement to persevere through the long haul.
Tiger’s Eye is a stone of practicality and balance, remarkable for soothing tensions in families and relationships where differences of opinion or expression are causing discord. It promotes harmony between people with diverse viewpoints, religious beliefs or approaches to life to see both sides of an issue and find common ground. It is a marvelous talisman for professional mediators, as well as anyone going through difficult negotiations.
Tiger’s Eye Physical Healing Energy
Tiger’s Eye is a blood fortifier, increasing vitality and strength, and restoring balance to the body on all levels. It is thought to boost the endocrine system, bringing one’s hormones and biochemistry back to level, and placed on the reproductive organs, may stimulate fertility and resolve issues arising from past experiences. Tiger’s Eye placed on either side of the head energetically rebalances the brain’s hemispheres, and as this stone holds energy of the sun, may relieve seasonal affective disorder and depression. It is effective for alleviating nightmares, and is reputed to relieve asthma attacks and angina, and help lower blood pressure.
Tiger’s Eye is traditionally used to heal disorders of the eyes and throat, and to improve night vision. It eases issues of the stomach and gall bladder, and dissolves constrictions. It may also be used to strengthen alignment of the spine and stimulate the repair of broken bones.
Tiger’s Eye Emotional Healing Energy
Tiger’s Eye is a remarkable ally for the mind, balancing emotional extremes and allowing scattered thoughts, feelings and information to come together in a way that makes sense. It brings focus and stability, enabling one to make decisions from a place of reason rather than emotion. Tiger’s Eye is ideal for those who are spaced out and uncommitted to find purpose; for those who find it difficult to remain optimistic, it stimulates hope and confidence for the future.
Tiger’s Eye is highly beneficial for resolving dilemmas and internal battles, especially those caused by jealousy, willfulness and pride. It teaches integrity and right use of power, bringing an awareness of one’s needs, as opposed to mere “wants,” as well as understanding the needs of others. It is excellent for healing issues of self-criticism and worth, and unblocks creativity so one may recognize one’s talents and abilities, as well as one’s faults that need to be overcome. It is highly supportive for an addictive personality, increasing personal will to affect positive change, and anchors that change into the physical body.
Tiger’s Eye Spiritual Energy
Tiger’s Eye resonates with the frequencies of the Earth and provides a warm, stable energy for prayers and meditation, and stimulating contact with the vibrational realm of Christ consciousness. It engenders peacefulness and beauty, and connects with the spiritual power of the sun as nourishment for the soul. Tiger’s Eye enables the ability to remember dreams and to use dreamtime for spiritual advancement, sparking imagination, intuition, and opening up psychic talents in earthy people through Third Eye activity. It is remarkable for balancing yin and yang energies, stimulating the rise of the kundalini energy, and bringing a joyful enthusiasm for flowing with “the river of humanity” toward the “One.”
Meditation with Tiger’s Eye
Meditating with shimmering Tiger’s Eye initiates a wonderful, high-vibrational state that is well-grounded, peaceful, and highly conducive for encounters with others through remote viewing, out-of-body travel or mind travel. It allows one to move into a state of bliss, experiencing a single point of awareness within an atmosphere of warm compassion and unconditional love. Upon return, it inspires one to take actions led by that consciousness to bring its energy more fully into the physical world.
Red Tiger’s Eye assists any form of moving meditation, from yoga and tai chi to walking meditation, as a stabilizer to maintain mindfulness and single-pointed focus. [Lembo, 226] Falcon’s Eye or Hawk’s Eye is highly conducive for meditating in sunlight outdoors to reach a tranquil state of mind, and for guidance into spiritual realms for visions and insights of a personal, or even global nature.