Meeting your girlfriend or boyfriends friend’s is a significant step in a relationship. Our dating advice will help you figure out if it’s the right time. Have you met someone that you really like? Could he or she possibly be “the one”? Do you want to introduce them to your friends, colleagues and family? It’s...Read More
Have you always wanted to figure out what is going on in a guy’s mind, in the first few weeks To women, we men can seem like a bit of an enigma. If you call us too often, you’re pushy. If you don’t call us enough, you’re cold. Figuring out what is going on in...Read More
Dating Tips for Women from Men: Guys Spill the Beans When you’re looking for good dating advice it’s best to get a mix of opinions and perspectives—sometimes you may go to your girlfriends, other times your mom, sometimes you’ll search online to see what the experts say, and then there are the times when what...Read More