

Zircon is the oldest mineral on earth and is found in the crust of the earth. It occurs as a common accessory mineral in igneous rocks, in metamorphic rocks and as grains in sedimentary rocks. It is a common constituent of most sands and has been used for thousands of years. Zircon is a September birthstone.


Zircon was available in Greece and Italy as far back as the sixth century c.e. However, the earlier Hindu writing list zircon as one of the many gemstone on the Kalpa Tree of their religion; green zircon was this mystical tree foliage, or so the story is told.

In antiquity, the zircon was often called Hyacinth or Jacinth, the legend tells of a mythological character named Hyacinthus, a youth accidentally slain my Apollo who was jealous of the young man’s beauty. This blood produced thy hyacinth flower, whose beauty is said to be reflected in the red Zircon as well.

The red zircon or hyacinth was believed to drive away evil spirits and nightmares, protect its wearer from enchantment and lightning.

Scientific Properties

Mohs Hardness of 7.5 with a tetragonal crystal structure   

Although this stone comes in a variety of colours, Zircon is most famous for it’s colourless stone, which closely resemble Diamonds. Although colourless when pure, impurities will produce yellow, orange, blue, red, brown and green varieties.

Zircon may be distinguished from diamond by it’s double refraction and by wear on it’s facet edges.

Natural Zircon today suffers for the similarity of its name to Cubic Zirconia, the laboratory-grown diamond imitation. Some don’t realise that there is actually a beautiful natural gemstone called Zircon.

Today the most popular colour is Blue, which is considered an one birthstone for December, is a pastel blue, but some exceptional gems have a bright blue colour. Zircon also presents in green, dark red, yellow, brown, and orange.

Mined in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Australia, and other countries.

Zircon is one of the heaviest gemstones, which means that it will look smaller than other varieties of the same weight. Zircon jewelry should be stored carefully, because although it is relatively hard, it can abrade and facets can chip. Often dealers will wrap zircons in individual twists of paper so that they will not knock against one another in parcel.

Metaphysical Properties

A stone of quiet vibrations, zircon enables one to be at peace with oneself. A stone of great purity, it can create unity with the Higher Self and spirit guides.

  • Brown zircon heals headaches and is grounding.
  • Colorless clears the aura
  • Colorless and yellow will clear the entire aura, bring sleep and give wisdom in stressful times, may also attract  love.
  • Red heals injuries, soothes pains and is especially helpful with ear infections.
  • Green helps one open up to make new friends and draws wealth
  • Light blue balances, uplifts, stabilizes the mind and emotions
  • Pink will assist in astral travel at night during sleep
  • Violet is a money magnet

Healing Properties

Zircon symbolizes healing, and has a wide range of healing applications.

It has an anti-spasmodic effect on the liver and gallbladder, it has a calming effect on asthma and allergies, and has a beneficial effect on lunch, bronchial, cold and general respiratory problems. It helps it’s wearer to overcome loses, heals mental disturbances and promotes common sense.

Zircon should be placed in dry sea salt once a month where it may discharge and recharge at the same time.

Magical Properties

Energy: Projective
Element: Fire
Planet: Jupiter
Powers: Protection, Beauty & Peace
Candle Color: Silver

Zircon is somewhat of a confusing stone. It is found in many colors but some of them have been artificially produced, they are also known by various names..all of the possess magical qualities.

  • Colorless (clear or white) – a magical substitution for diamond, it is worn for protection. Use it for clear thinking and to promote the mental processes.
  • Yellow – wear this to increase sexual energy or to attract love. Carry to drive away depression, to increase alertness and for business success.
  • Orange – wear to increase beauty and to still fears and jealousy, carried during travel it guards against injury. Worn or place in the home, it safeguards against theft; so keep an orange zircon with valuable. Set in gold, it is doubly powerful.
  • Red – this stone will increase riches if worn or used in such rituals. It will also guard against injuries. A protective stone, it vitalizes the body, lends energy in times of physical stress and heals. Worn, it will draw pain from the body.
  • Brown – used for grounding and centering, it is also employed in wealth and money spells.
  • Violet is specifically used in any and all money spells

Zodiac Properties

Zodiac Stone of: Sagittarius & Virgo

Associations: Jupiter & Sun

Birthstone: Modern & Traditional Birthstone for the month of December, Ancient Birthstone for the months of August and December.

To dream of a deep orange or red zircon signifies success after a stormy period. Dreams of green zircon symbolize incoming of money, while colorless and light blue is meant for spiritual growth.

Chakra Properties

Zircon works well on the 1st, Root/Base Chakra as well as the 2nd, Sacral Chakra to help ground oneself and open to the next level.