
Eye laser Surgery

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  • #2645
    Sylvia SSylvia

    I am planning to have an eye laser surgery but a bit concerned about the side effects. What if something goes wrong?

    If someone has done this could you share your experience and recommend a good eye clinic in London Area.


    Thank you


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    Sarah BSarah

    Hi Sylvia,


    at Harley street, London are the best and most popular. Just go for it, everyone i know its extremely happy with the procedure and the results.

    Good Luck!https://www2.opticalexpress.co.uk/landingpage/lp/2020/10/?W.T.m_cid=email-uk-21301&sp1=LP10&gclid=Cj0KCQjw37fZBRD3ARIsAJihSr15Y7L10pQeGinimke7laMqDLBcoglsKTYpONH9xSGwmS_s6hwcT8YaAkiSEALw_wcB

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    John SmithJS

    I had this one, one of the best thing I have done in my life!

    find a person/ Clinic you trust and go for it!

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    Rosh A.A.

    I got this 5 years ago- its been the best decision i have ever made! Its scary at first for few minutes you are totaly blind but then… life changing!  

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